Indonesia is the largest rattan producing country in the world. Mostly rattan come from the Kalimantan, Papua, and Sumatra. Indonesian rattan quality has the best quality. This is proven that many foreign buyers who are interested in Indonesian rattan products
In Indonesia, Cirebon is the largest rattan production site. In Cirebon, Tegalwangi area is an area that have many rattan businesses. Start from small class businesses to the upper middle class located in the Tegalwangi. Customers come from various regions not only local customer, customers also come from another countries.
The Products produced from rattan are mostly in the form of furniture such as chairs, tables and cabinets. The designs offered are also varied by following the latest trends. Rattan product is not only furniture, other products that can be made from rattan are ornaments such as baskets, mirrors, or flower vases.
Many advantages possessed by products made from rattan. Products from rattan can stand for a long time. Rattan products are not easily broke because rattan is a strong type of wood. Rattan can also be easily formed so that it can be made with various designs. Although rattan has a wood-like texture, rattan products have a lightweight. This will make it easier for customer to move rattan products.
Beside the advantages of each product, each product also has their weakness including rattan. Rattan is a material that comes from nature, of course, there are some natural problems, namely extinction. It can be happen if the rattan keep exploited by human being without maintenance from the manufacturer. Apart from natural resources, others weakness are human resources. There are not many people can makes product from rattan. The production process also takes a long time.
The rattan industry is expected to be one of profitable industry in Indonesia. Considering the rattan industry plays a major role in Indonesia’s export activities. The government also carry out promotional activities on rattan production such as an exhibition of Indonesian rattan craft.
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