History of Rattan in Indonesia

Rattan furniture has a very well-known existence even throughout the world. There is a history behind its use as furniture. The use of rattan as furniture did not appear in the modern era. In Indonesia, rattan began to be used since Indonesia was conducted by kingdom.
In ancient times, rattan was considered as luxury item and was often used as a gift for the kingdom in another country. During Majapahit to maintain good relations, a suit of armor made by rattan was given to China. Not only to other countries, the kingdoms in Indonesia also use rattan as a gift. As in the era of Samudera Pasai kingdom which uses “white rattan” as a binding between the kingdoms.
In the colonial era, rattan also still has a high value. The colonialists bought rattan in Indonesia by way of barter with daily goods. This makes rattan as the highest commodity to compete with spices.
Rattan processing first appeared in the kingdom of Kutai. At that time rattan was used for the house construction of community. Rattan also used as household appliances. Besides being used by the kingdom, people in the Dayak tribe have also used rattan for their daily needs.
According to Heyne in “De Nuttige Planten Van Indonesia” the type of rattan that was first used was sega rattan. But over time, sega rattan is hard to find in areas near the community. To find it you need to explore a deep place in the forest. Since this happening, the community began to makes a cultivate rattan which occurred in 1850 in Central Kalimantan.
As time goes by, many studies began search about the types of rattan that can be utilized. Types of rattan that are often used include Manau, Sulut Putih, Pulut Merah, Jahap and Sega. This led to the emergence of farmers who opened up land for rattan cultivation. The beginning of opening land for cultivation was when the forest area was still large and the human population was still low.
Until now the rattan industry is still continuing and developing in Indonesia. Rattan with high economic value makes a lot of demand from both inside and outside the country. This brings benefits to rattan producing regions in Indonesia. Of course, Indonesia is affected positively. Rattan export activities bring many benefits to the country of Indonesia.

Keeping the Beauty of Rattan Furniture

Keeping the cleanness of household furniture is important so that the house looks clean and tidy. Besides making the furniture clean, cleaning the furniture also makes the furniture more durable. This is important thing to be done routinely so that household furniture is kept clean.
For those of you who have furniture made of rattan may have difficulty in cleaning your furniture. Rattan furniture usually has a complicated wicker structure making it difficult to clean the smallest parts. However, behind all problems must have its solution. There are special ways to make rattan furniture in your home stay clean and look beautiful.
The first solution for cleaning rattan furniture is to use a vacuum cleaner. You can use the long hairy tip of the dust to clean between the gaps on rattan furniture. Be careful in its use, make sure not to press the furniture too hard. This will cause the furniture to be scratched and even damaged the woven connection. Cleaning can be done once a week.
If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a used toothbrush as a second solution. The use of brushes can also be done if there are parts that cannot be reached by a vacuum cleaner. Use a brush that still has upright bristles. How to clean it is to wet the brush first to make cleaning optimally. Clean between the gaps using a brush carefully and try not to damage the webbing connection.
You can also use a wet cloth to clean rattan furniture. However, this cannot be applied to all types of rattan such as rami woven. For furniture from synthetic rattan you can spray water directly on the furniture or if needed you can use detergents. As for furniture from natural rattan, you don’t need to spray water on the furniture, just enough with a damp cloth that has been mixed with detergent.
After rattan furniture cleaned by water, it should be dried immediately so that there is no growth of mold and mildew. Furniture from natural rattan can be dried with a hairdryer. Make sure that the temperature is not too high so it doesn’t burn the furniture. Meanwhile to drying furniture from synthetic rattan you should not use a hairdryer because it can make the furniture melt. We recommend that furniture from synthetic rattan be dried in direct sunlight.
For rattan furniture that is old enough, there will be a lot of fibers in the webbing. If you have this, you can clean it with scissors. You can cut the ends of the fibers on the webbing. Don’t try to pull or pull out the fibers if you don’t want your furniture to be damaged.

Hidden Treasure of Rattan Benefit

Rattan is one of the famous natural products as raw material for furniture. Aside from being a raw material for making furniture, rattan can also be used for other human needs that some people may not know about it. Just like other plants, every part of rattan can be used for human needs.
Rattan sticks are one part that is often used to make furniture. It turns out that rattan sticks have other benefits, such as medical purposes. Rattan sticks contain chemicals called tannin. All types of rattan has tannin. Tannin substances are used for herbal treatment of several diseases such as sore throat, coughs and colds, diarrhea, and malaria.
Still on the sticks, it turns out that rattan sticks can be consumed by humans. The Dayaks use rattan as their daily side dish like vegetables. Before rattan can be consumed, first cleaned rattan sticks from the thorns and then washed thoroughly. Rattan has a crunchy taste when in the mouth.
Besides the sticks, there are other parts that can be consumed. Rattan tips turned out to be used as a spice for food seasoning. These rattan tips have a bitter taste that can give a unique taste to food. However, not all types of rattan can be processed into food flavorings, only 9 types of rattan can be made as a seasoning.
Other benefits of rattan besides being consumed are as weapons. The weapons that can be made with rattan are bat and whip. Those weapons are still used in several Asian countries. Rattan is also used by martial arts schools for their weapons.
For those of you sports fans surely know the game called sepak takraw. Sepak takraw is a ball game that is similar to volleyball, only the way to play it can be by using your hands, chest, knees, or feet. The ball used in sepak takraw is a rattan ball. The sepak takraw ball is made of rattan sticks which go through a long process before forming into a ball.
In addition to rattan body parts, rattan sap can also be used by humans. Rattan sap has a red color just like blood so it is often referred to as dragon’s blood. This rattan sap has artistic value and makes a shiny effect. Rattan sap is usually used to cover items made of wood such as guitars or violins.

Rattan Export Activities in Indonesia

Indonesia has the best quality rattan in the world. That is the reason of high demand from international market for rattan products in the form of raw products and finished products is very high. This causes rattan to become one of the export products that generate large foreign exchange for Indonesia.
Indonesia is able to send large amounts of rattan every year. For raw rattan products as many as 630 thousand tons can be sent annually. Meanwhile the semi-finished products can touch 250 thousand tons per year. This proves that Indonesia is a rattan-producing country in Indonesia.
Indonesia was once the biggest exporter country, beating other rattan producing countries. However, in 2011 the government banned the export of raw rattan. The government hopes that local producers will not lack raw rattan because of exports. The producers are expected to improve the quality of locally made rattan products.
The policy to ban raw rattan export activities increase national rattan production. An increase occurred in the export of local rattan products. Exports of finished rattan products increased by 9.6% with a value of US$137.9 million. However, in 2011 there was a world economic crisis caused a decline of 17.6% so that export results touched the figure of $113.6 million.
In 2012, the export of finished rattan products increased again and continued in 2013. The increase in 2012 made a profit of $202.6 million. The following year, in 2013 there were $262.5 million in profits. Following the policy of banning raw rattan exports, exports of semi-finished rattan products rose to $1.71 billion in 2015.
Many countries export rattan products from Indonesia such as Britain, the Netherlands, Israel, Germany and many other countries. The rattan products will be used in restaurants, resorts, offices or used for other household needs. Meanwhile, raw rattan is exported to other rattan producing countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries.
On the other hand, the government is still discussing the policy to ban raw rattan exports. This is due to the pros and cons among rattan producers regarding this policy. The government is trying to find the win-win solution regarding the policy of rattan export so that no one will get harm.
Rattanmeuble is one of the rattan exporter company in Cirebon, Indonesia. It exports its products such as rattan chairs, sofa, table to the world. We hope we can participate in government’s goals to increase non oil export and increase foreign exchange reserve for the country

Rattan Furniture as Your Inspiration Design

For people who like to decorate a room, they always looking for a new ideas to decorate the room. unconsciously, an inspiration can be found around us. Nature is one of the biggest sources of inspiration with a ton of beauty. Nature is not only a place of inspiration, nature has many things that can be used as a product that has both beauty and economic value.
Rattan is one of the natural products that can be used as goods to fulfill human needs. Rattan crafts are as good as other materials crafts. Rattan has its own characteristics that make aesthetic side to a product.
Rattan is a material that comes from trees. Nevertheless, rattan is non-wood product, rattan has a similar wood appearance in general. The use of rattan furniture for interior design will make the room look natural and fresh.
The aesthetic side of rattan makes it suitable for indoor and outdoor rattan furniture. Rattan furniture can be place in outdoor areas and it will not be a problem because rattan products can be resistant to water or sunlight. Rattan furniture is also easy to clean if the furniture is dusty or stained.
Rattan furniture can be formed into various types of products not just basic furniture such as tables and chairs. Rattan handicraft also can be a room decoration such as hanging swing, mirror, and other works of art that can be used as decoration. Many world-class artists also began to make beautiful art from rattan.
If you have your own product design, you can make an order according to the design you want. This is because rattan is flexible and it is easy to form various types of crafts. Unfortunately, rattan can only have a basic color, rattan furniture can be combined with cushion. Plain pillows or floral pattern can be a choice for rattan furniture.
Customers do not need to worry about price problems because rattan furniture has an affordable price. The rattan quality is undoubtable because rattan furniture can last a long time if it maintained well. Another thing that is an advantage for rattan products is that they are light so it is easy to move.
Rattan furniture can be used as an option for your interior design. Rattan crafts can give a new color to the room with its characteristics of rattan products. The treatment is also quite easy and inexpensive. To make an interior design that looks classy and beautiful does not need to spend a lot of money.